Friday, March 11, 2016

Secondary Infertility

To all the women who have tried and tried and tried without success to get the positive sign on a pregnancy test:
To all the women who have tried and tried and paid a lot of money to have a child only to loose it during pregnancy or shortly after birth:
To all the women who had a baby and then kept experiencing loss or no more positive pregnancy tests:
I am so sorry for ALL that you have been through!
"Trying is the fun part"
"It will happen"
"When are you going to have a baby?"
"When are you going to have another child?"

All those phrases are like a knife to the heart and another punch in the gut.

Although we were blessed as a surprise with Riley and then only 3 months after loosing him got blessed with Nehemiah, I have experienced some secondary infertility that has required me to be treated by a fertility specialist. This is not a short, easy, or cheap process.

We decided to wait until Nehemiah was a year old to start trying again. Then we tried, and tried, and tried. My periods returned after the year, but had become normal to me, but have been that way for over  a year now so it has become my new normal. I met with a new OBGYN who has privileges at the hospital I want to always deliver at. It was a pleasant meeting and I expressed my concerns. She agreed that after 6 months of active trying and using an Ovulation Kit, we would need to begin testing. 6 months came, and the tests began. I had ultrasounds and blood work. But then, suddenly, to my surprise and excitement, we had a positive pregnancy test in late July after our 7th month of trying. I declined blood work to make sure levels were rising. Mostly I declined because I didn't want to make the drive to Nashville and take time off of work. I was sure everything would be fine. But, on the 7th week I started bleeding. I lost Gabriel. I was heartbroken and angered. I really didn't want to have to try again. Trying had become a chore and was not fun. But, we did try. We were told we could try right away. Sometimes a women is more fertile after a pregnancy. 4 more months went by. We were referred to a fertility clinic. More tests, more discussions, and I began acupuncture. During that time I also learned from my hairstylist that I was shedding more than normal and I should have my thyroid checked. Thyroid!? It was fine because I was having all the tests and thyroid issues can cause fertility problems and miscarriages so if it was not normal my doctor would have told me, right? Wrong! I called to find out what my level was and I had a voicemail saying that they never checked my thyroid and I may want to have it checked! I was angry! The doctor's office did not say to come in, we need to test it. They did not apologize for not testing it before or give a reason. Just told me to get it checked! I reached out to my maternal fetal specialist from my past pregnancies and she agreed to test it. Sure enough I have hypothyroidism. I cannot help but wonder if many of the issues in the past year would have been resolved if my thyroid had been checked much sooner!
Fast forward to now me being on medication (which dose has been increased due to my levels being too high on a low dose of Synthroid). And still doing more testing.

For those who are "trying" I am including this buzz feed video link that helped me find humor in the trying part. I hope you can successfully watch the video from the link. If not, look for it on Buzzfeed!

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