While attending church with my husband and our family on Father's Day this year, I was reminded of 2 chapters in the bible. These 2 chapters are important to me in my life because they talk of how both Moses and Jesus did not want to be chosen for the tasks that God gave them. Andrew and I did not want to be chosen to be parents to a child in Heaven. We wanted to be chosen to be parents to a healthy baby on earth. However, as children of God, and the Christians we proclaim to be, we must obey to the best of our ability.
In Exodus, Moses asks God why him? In Matthew, Jesus asks if there is another way. In Remembering Riley I just ask why? I picture a long, boardroom table where God, Jesus, and I all sit and talk about my life. And then, when we come to why Riley went to Heaven at 37weeks, they give me my answer and I have a moment of pure understanding.
Today I was blessed to be able to share the story of our precious Riley more than once. Talking about him lights up my heart while at the same time filling my eyes with tears. It is what I would call at this time a bittersweet story. We were blessed to be chosen to be Riley's parents, even though the end of our journey on Earth was not the piece we wanted to be chosen for. I still have my moment of anger, but thankfully, the Holy Spirit whispers in my ear reminders of blessings to come, and of a blessing that was.
I want to ask you all to pray for the mothers, the fathers, the siblings, the grandparents, and all the family and friends of other families who have had stillbirths or miscarriages. Pray for those who have had abortions. Pray for those whose babies have been given the statement "incompatible with life". Pray for those who are pregnant again and being watched ever so closely without the same joy they may have experienced before. Currently, I have an old friend who is in the hospital. She is 18 weeks pregnant. From what I understand, the baby's umbilical cord has already broken through, which can allow germs to enter the womb. Please pray for her and her sweet baby. She does not have any children on this Earth, besides the one in her womb. During my 2nd trimester with Riley, she found out her baby's heart in her 2nd trimester quit beating.
Lord, I pray that you protect that sweet baby and keep both mother and child healthy. I pray for those who have had miscarriages, stillbirths, and early infant deaths. I pray for those who desire to get pregnant, but for some reason, have not yet. I pray for those who have had abortions. I pray for those who have wanted to share their stories with others, but are afraid to do so. Lord, bless these women, fill their hearts with your peace and hope. Fill their wombs with healthy babies. Let it be in your name. Amen.
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