After a storm, you may find yourself looking for the rainbow in the sky. The rainbow that reminds us of God's promise. To me, the rainbow is a beautiful reminder of so much more at this point in my life. After we lost Riley, and discussed trying to conceive our second child, I was constantly seeing the term "Rainbow Baby" to describe a child after a loss. I found my favorite description of a Rainbow Baby on Pinterest.
"A Rainbow Baby is the understanding that the beauty of a rainbow does not negate the ravages of the storm. When a rainbow appears, it doesn't mean the storm never happened or that the family is not still dealing with its aftermath. What it means is that something beautiful and full of light has appeared in the midst of the darkness and clouds. Storm clouds may still hover, but the rainbow provides a counterbalance of color, energy, and hope."
Many of you know that Riley was our first child. We were ready to be parents. The nurseries were both set up. And for those of you who have experienced a loss, you know how trying to conceive can turn from fun into a chore. You know how hard it is to wait from the time you should have ovulated to when your period is due. And, you know how heartbreaking it is when your period comes and there is no chance of being pregnant that month. As you wait for each month to pass and have to countdown to your fertile days again, you watch others become pregnant as if all they had to do was think it and it became true. We had been trying since I passed my postpartum appointment. At that appointment my doctor asked if we wanted to go on birth control. We said no. My maternal fetal specialist told us that we should wait 6 months. There is controversy if the 6 month wait is emotional or physical. Therefore, we believed that if the doctor cleared me for physical we would try and leave it up to God. I will admit, there were many moments of which I was angry with God for not allowing me to be pregnant right away. Moments of jealousy when I witnessed friends become pregnant with their 2nd, or 3rd, and even 4th children. I just wanted one. One child on earth. It was those times that I was not trusting God.
It has now been almost 5 months since we learned that our Riley had gone to Heaven. It has been almost 5 months since I delivered our 6lb 9oz, 19 1/2" son on February 1, 2013 at 9:10am. I found out on June 14, 2012 that we were pregnant with Riley. He was due February 21, 2013
I mentioned in my last post about the Choose Healing event I went to. I would like to take this time to elaborate more on how that event helped me heal and be in the place emotionally and physically I am today. I went on Friday, dragging my feet, but also feeling pushed from God to go. I think it was better that I went by myself so I could mourn and cry and worship God without feeling like anyone was watching me or that anyone knew my story. I left Friday night with a smile and a greater sense of peace than I had experienced since Riley's passing. Saturday morning I woke up, and decided to take a pregnancy test. Andrew had left for a golf fundraiser. I laid the test down for it to process for the next 3 minutes. I took the dog downstairs to let him out and stood in the kitchen and prayed. I prayed for the test to be positive. I prayed for us to have a child at home with us soon. And I prayed that no matter what the results were that God would remind me that He is in charge and to trust Him for all the future months we would have to try to conceive. Much to my surprise, the test was positive! Walking into the event Saturday, knowing that I was more than likely pregnant really allowed me to continue to heal over my pain and anger from not having Riley with me and to rejoice and be excited about the future. I did not expect to be excited. I expected to be more nervous and want to stay more private if I were to be pregnant again. I know it was a God thing for me to find out in the middle of attending the event. God knew when I would find out. He knew when I would be pregnant again. Most of all He knew I needed to heal more and be at a place where I can be excited and joyous for our second child.
I am happy to announce that we are around 7 weeks pregnant and we heard the most beautiful sound on Tuesday. We heard our second child's heartbeat! We realize it is still so early, but we decided to share now for many reasons I will talk about later. We also know that there is no promise that this child will not go to Heaven earlier than we hope. But we are trusting God, and blessed to know that big brother Riley is ready to play big brother in Heaven if that is God's plan.
It is also difficult for me to announce this as I know I have friends who are still trying to conceive. Friends who have been trying for months or years. Friends who have recently experienced loss. I do feel somewhat guilty, and I pray for them often. I now understand how several of my friends must have felt when they shared with me their exciting news recently and it was difficult for me to be happy for them without feeling sorry for us. Something I had to pray on often. Something I was almost done struggling with just before I attended the Choose Healing event.
Now, this has been an interesting pregnancy so far, especially compared to my pregnancy with Riley. And, we do not have a due date at this time. This is all due to my category of high risk from Riley's stillborn status. I will make posts on my experience with this pregnancy so far soon. However, Andrew and I wanted to use this post to make our announcement. To share our excitement about what we hope will be our 'rainbow baby'.
I had the privilege of meeting another mom last night whose child was born into Heaven in January of this year. It was a blessing to hear her story and get to share mine. She sent me the following bible verses. I want to share them, because when she talked about them last night, it was as if God was in my ear saying "Told you to trust Me".
"Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting,
God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what
to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer
out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we
know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God.
That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is
worked into something good". Romans 8:26-28
These are our beautiful flowers the ladies at Spring Hill Florist carefully chose to help represent our rainbow baby description.