Some days I read my devotional and think, "Well put". Other days I read it and feel as though God is speaking directly to me. Today was a day of God talking to me directly. Often after I read I think about how God wants me to spend more time talking to him. I know I should have quiet time in the morning to talk to God. I know I should praise God before every meal and talk to him before I go to sleep. Most days I feel like I talk to him all day long. Alright, so I have the talking part down. It is the listening that I struggle with. And the talking to him in front of people. I have never been comfortable praying in front of others. That is one weakness I want to make strong. I want to teach our children to pray out loud. I want to teach them to pray constantly, to listen constantly, and to thank God constantly for all he gives us, whether it is what we wanted or not.
We learned at our OB and Maternal Fetal Specialist appointments yesterday that we will be induced between 37-38 weeks. That is just 4-5 weeks from now. We have briefly discussed it, but now it is the actual plan. Am I ready? Are we ready? I do what I shouldn't and look to google to tell me about inductions. I then panic over reading something about 50% of inductions end in c-section, and mostly emergency c-sections. I read about how we should not induce children and all the other negative discussions I could possibly read to put myself into a panic.
Why do we tend to use the Internet and social media as our way of imagining how things should be instead of praying to God and taking the time to listen to how it will be? When we take the time and wait for His answers, it is much more peaceful than the immediate responses online. I have an image burned in my mind from a picture of my maternal grandmother on her knees beside a bed with a bible in front of her. She was a true prayer warrior. She was not afraid to ask God for help and let others know she did so. I want to be like that. Google is an addiction I will need to break. Praying on my knees and constantly with my bible is a habit I need to grasp with all my strength.
Today, I listened to God through my devotional. After Riley, we were given "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. Today's devotional reads:
"I am preparing you for what is on the road ahead, just around the bend. Take time to be still in My Presence so that I can strengthen you. The busier you become, the more you need this time apart with Me. So many people think that time spent with Me is a luxury they cannot afford. As a result, they live and work in their own strength--until that becomes depleted. Then they either cry out to Me for help or turn away in bitterness.Wow! What powerful words! He is preparing me for the birth of our second son. I don't need google or the words/advice of others. I just need Him. I need to spend more time listening, rather than talking, and allow the peace from His strength to hold me up as we count down the next 4-5 weeks. All this time that I am on modified bed rest and my activities are limited, I need to put down the laptop and pick up my bible. I cannot think of a better way to teach my son about God's presence and love than spending time with Him as I feel my son kick and wiggle and grow as we prepare for his birth.
How much better is it to walk close to Me, depending on My strength and trusting Me in every situation.. If you live in this way, you will do less but accomplish far more. Your unhurried pace of living will stand out in this rush-crazed age. Some people may deep you lazy, but many more will be blessed by your peacefulness. Walk in the Light with Me, and you will reflect Me to the watching world."
How often are you still and listen? Are you like me and talk but allow yourself to be too busy to focus on what He is saying?