I overwork myself. I miss opportunities with my kids, but I am trying to do better. I let my desire for things to have order and a place run my day. Yet, even the order I have things in is not the final desired order for it that I have. I have made mistakes and I have regrets. The last couple of weeks have been particularly emotionally heavy. Ok, honestly, the last couple of years. Ok, ok, and even before that. When things have happened I have not given myself the time (or resources) I should have to face life's realities head on. Did I face them, yes, but with my face turned as I continued to walk forward with the motions of moving on. I am perfectly imperfect because I am His. Before I was created in my mother's womb, God knew me. He knew my struggles. He knows now my desire to fill my plate, even when he longs for me to dump it so that I am fully in his presence. When I was pregnant with Riley and the few weeks after loosing him, I was in the best place spiritually that I have ever been in my life. Now, as I watch those I love suffer and pass away, I am reminded to slow down and focus on what is important. I yearn for the spiritual healing and feeling I had during that pregnancy and few days that followed.
I don't blog as often as I probably should. I find myself thinking about writing and blogging as I am driving kids to and from school and other necessary places. I find myself starting to dream about what to write, especially as I sit in church staring to feel fed and then pray for God to guide me for what I should write. I pray that he gives me the words someone needs to hear, while at the same time having an outlet to express any emotions I am experiencing at that time.
Today, I took some time to look through old photos and yearbooks, remembering those who are heaviest on my heart. Today, I took time to sit and work on grant writing for my cousin that I have committed to, but I keep procrastinating. Today, I am taking time to write on my blog that I put in place originally to honor and remember our first son, Riley.
Today, I feel called to share 3 things:
1. Don't desire to be anyone else. Be YOU! If you don't like the current version of you, get your bible, get a devotional, join a bible study, go to church, and breathe in the words. Pray God gives you the peace that transcends all understanding. I can say that I felt that so strongly the minutes after the doctor announced that Riley did not have a heartbeat. I cannot explain it, but it was a peaceful high that I long to feel again. And I know, I want a better version of me. In that version, I will do better to listen to Him and feel that peace again as I slow down and obey His word. (Read Philippians 4:7). I am a constant work in progress.
2. As I went through my organized boxes of scrapbook memorabilia (see, in it's place - organized boxes, when I haven't actually put it in it's place - a scrapbook), I found a small scrap of paper with my Papa's handwriting. It read "Deuteronomy 29:29" I looked it up and read '"The LORD our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all that he has revealed to us, so that we may obey all the terms of these instructions."' I read that after he passed and it was just words to me. Today I read it and I FELT it! My Papa may have had some financial secrets, but God was not a secret to him. He shared when he could and he studied to learn more. He was active in his bible study and constantly joined in the discussions and tried to study more. He followed that passage and showed me what it was like to be a Christian and a Christian role model in our home. So really, from this second share of today, I want those of you reading this to focus on these 2 things:
1) Do you know Him? If not, what can you do to get to know Him and feel His peace in a complicated world? Please seek to know Him. If you are reading this, know that you are loved and I desire for you to find Him and live in Heaven with me someday.
2) Are your affairs in order for your passing so that your family knows your wishes and can spend time mourning and celebrating you rather than frustrated and lost in papers and legal concerns? If not, please check out Addio, https://www.ouraddio.com/
3. I am not perfect! I am no where near perfect. God is perfect. If you see me do something or I say something that offends you or makes you think less of me, please do not think less of Him! I am learning everyday. I need to be fed everyday by His word. I need to be forgiven everyday, and only He can provide those needs to me. What I have is not mine, not even our children are ours, but they are His. We are blessed to be their parents, and we fail at that some days. But I will continue to teach about Jesus in our home and pray over my children and their future spouses so that they will continue on spreading His word and hopefully in better ways than I ever could or will. Do I claim to be a Christian. Yes, but it is no claim, it is the truth. Do I falter? Do I struggle? Absolutely! But I am not afraid to admit that I am perfectly imperfect and I desire to do better, to know better, to know Him better, and to spread His love. He loves me. He desires for me to do better. He has provided me the words to follow to show how I am loved, how you are loved, and how we should love each other, imperfections and all!
I voice memo'd the short poem below one day at a red light when I felt these words come to me.
Open the doors and you will see a family that does not live perfectly.
The house is a mess, toys on the floor, screaming and yelling…we did our best.
Vitamins by the coffee so we don’t forget, minds that are stuck with pandemic regret.
Bills need paid and family needs fed as we count the hours 'till we go back to bed.
The ways in this world are quite different today, through our adult eyes we long for childhood play.
Generations pass on as we move toward our turn, yet even some younger no longer have candles that burn.
Our one saving grace from the heavens above is to know God has a plan for us with his great love.
We’ve had days of miracles and days of despair. We’ve had days of laughter and others filled with gray hair.
We long for the days when God calls us home, but until that day come know you are not alone.
Open the doors and you will see a family that does not live perfectly.