Satan whispers to the alcoholic, "Just ONE more drink and you will feel better." Satan whispers to the student who is taking a test, "Just a LITTLE peak at her paper, no one will know. You want an 'A', right?". Satan whispers to the shopaholic, "You NEED those shoes, they are on sale and you deserve it." Satan whispers to the child, "Mom won't know if you SNEAK candy before dinner, just be quiet." Satan whispers to the over-eater, "You will feel better if you eat this cake, you like food and it tastes good. Remember how good it tastes, just ONE piece...." Satan whispers to the virgin, "You are the ONLY virgin. He/She will not like you anymore if you don't do it. God cannot expect you to wait."
Satan changes his tone and persuasion behind his whispers depending on the situation you are in at that moment. For me, a year and a half ago, it was the loss of my son. Today, it is the challenges that come with being a full time office manager, wife, and mom. I am blessed to be able to be with my son all day. I am blessed to be able to take him to work with us. It is also a challenge. Satan knows that and he whispers in my ear during my weakest moments. The moment when the accounts don't balance, the solicitors keep calling, a situation at the office requires my immediate attention, my husband sends me a message for something he needs right away, and my son is crying, I get a whisper. A few weeks ago he started whispering, "Riley is at peace. You WANT peace, right? You could be with Riley now and HAVE peace. You can make that choice now and see your son." But do you realize what he was actually trying to say behind his choreographed whisper? "Kill yourself, destroy your family. You are too weak to handle this." Wow! I expressed to Andrew the fear that came over me the minute I realized what Satan was whispering to me. I told him how I understood how some people make suicidal decisions. The listen to and follow through with the whispers. How sweet his words were to me during that weak moment. He KNEW just what to say! He preys on our weakness.
This past week, when my son just wanted me, but I wanted to get caught up in work. When he refused his bottle and cried in daddy's arms because it was not me. My eyes filled with tears of frustration, and Satan came back with a whisper. "Mother's can walk away from their families too. You can walk away back to the days when you were single and sleeping. Remember the days when you had a convertible and the wind in your hair without a care in the world?"
AAAAAHHHHH!!!! Satan, I COMMAND you in Jesus name to QUIT whispering in my ear. In MY weakness HE is strong. You will not gain control over me. Jesus paid it all, all to him I owe! Those days were not better. I had plenty of cares! My cares may be different now as I worry about and care for my husband and our son on earth. God has blessed me with such a patient husband, and a son that wants me constantly. Remember when I complained that my arms were they are full!
What is Satan whispering in your ear? Is he telling you to leave your spouse? Is he telling you to cheat? Is he telling you that your addiction is under control? Is he telling you to get more into debt? How well are you praying and sharing the whispers with others to defend against the enemy? I can now understand how easy it is for us to commit some of the most unthinkable sins. Our enemy gets into our head during our weakest moments and speaks some truth amongst many lies to convince us to sin. Please pray for the enemy to leave you during those moments. Please take time before making life altering decisions. Please ask others to pray for you. Please let me know how I may pray for you. With prayer and accountability we can defeat the enemy's whispers and find the peace and happiness that only God can provide which is what we want in the end.
The song "Jesus Paid It All" keeps running through my mind as I type this post, especially the verse,
"I hear the Savior say, Thy strength indeed is small;
Child of weakness, watch and pray, Find in Me thine all in all.' "
Children of weakness, read and pray, find in Him your all in all!